Old Soul Production Services is your one-stop shop for all your event management needs. Whether you’re looking for a Producer to come in and oversee your project as a whole, an Operations team to help you build and manage your venue, or just need support with certain aspects of your plan, or even if you need help figuring out where you need help, we’re here to support your vision!
Where We Shine
Site Development & Management
Every event venue is unique! Let us help to design and plan your site so that it works for the vision and vibe of your event, while keeping operational efficiency and safety at the top of your mind. Whether your site is in a convention center or if you’re taking over downtown streets, we’ve built it all. Once a design is in place, we’ll help facilitate contracts with and manage our vast network of temporary infrastructure vendors to bring the vision to life!
Organizational Structure & Team Building
Building an event is like building a machine - every part plays a key role and the machine is only as good as the sum of its parts. We can help identify the teams you need to ensure that your event runs smoothly, and can tap into our relationships to make sure you’ve got the best of the best by your side.
Budget Creation & Oversight
Far too many events fail because they were not properly budgeted. We’ll help you build a budget that accounts for the unknown and unforeseen, and can help you with oversights and forecasts to keep your finger on the financial pulse as your event approaches.
Process Development, Implementation, & Improvement
So you’ve got a great team in place and things have been working well for a while. Awesome, congratulations to you! But maybe you’ve noticed that certain areas could use improvement. Maybe it’s how your assets are advanced, how budget updates are reported, or maybe it’s something as simple as how your crew meals are ordered and accounted for. We’ve helped events streamline and improve for years. Let us help you!
Operational Planning
Where are your patrons coming from, where are they going, what is their path of travel, and what needs to happen between points A & B? Every event space is unique and you’ve got to make sure your operational processes work efficiently. From safety and security screening, ingress and egress, and emergency planning, we’ll help to make sure your operation runs smooth.
Whatever you may need, give us a call! Let’s chat about how Old Soul can help bring your ideas and dreams to reality!